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Friday, May 9, 2014

MMM Library: Mother's Day Tips & Thoughts

Mother's Day Tip #1: Don't hide the affection you feel towards the mothers in your life.

Mother's Day Tip #2: Also, don't literally hide the mothers in your life. (no, those kids aren't sitting on a badly-upholstered chair)

Mother's Day Thoughts from MMM Contributors

Thanks, mother, for instilling in me a love of the following: yarn, nature, Matlock, singing German operas in a fake falsetto, bottle caps, hats with feathers in them, stories about owl rescues, Hee-Haw, fake cheese, real cheese, Lehi, Nephi, Nehi grape soda, the town of Lehi, hankies, Fibber McGee and Molly, saying the word "gal," ribbon cutting ceremonies and responsibility. (Bishop Higgins)

To Mother-dear: Thank you for teaching me how to make pie crust, sink my teeth into impossible opportunities and still believe I'm invincible, somehow. I love you. (LJ)

I'm grateful to my mom for showing me that, no matter what is happening in your life: sickness, doubt, adversity, financial ruin, self-righteous ward members, sheer laziness, you get up on Sunday and you get yourself to church. Also, in regards to ward choir, use it or lose it! (My husband wishes I didn't follow that one so faithfully ...) Thanks, Mom! Love you! (May Jones)

The following quote by Robert Brault has been very true of my mother, whether it is my singing, my temperment, or my potential: "A mom reads you like a book, and wherever she goes, people read you like a glowing book review." (Saint Mark)

Moms: Doing what men are incapable of since the beginning of time. Thank you Mom and Wifey! - (Apparent Parent)

Mom, thanks for showing me that creativity, resilience, music, unconditional love, and the gospel can help make me better and happier. (brettmerritt)

It's still as true as when I said it when I was four: I'm glad Heavenly Father sent me to you. Love you Mom. (A-Dub)

Dear Mom: Thank you for The Outermost House, 84 Charing Cross Road, the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, and the courage of my convictions. (Bradly Baird)

Mom: Thank you for being around and interested in every aspect of my life. Love you. (Seattle Jon)

With the perspective of a middle-aged father I can better appreciate your wisdom, patience and self sacrifice which has never wavered and which continually encourages me to be a better person. (MAB)

Many are so lucky as to have a hero in their life, but fortune has given me two, my mother and my wife. (Casey Peterson)

As a parent now I've learned to appreciate even more the activities you did with me and the time we spent together working on various projects. I'll always be grateful for all you've done and continue to do for me. (Pete Codella)

Thank you, Mom, for changing my diapers, educating me, teaching me discipline, providing a comfortable home, cooking great meals, sacrificing your time, surviving my teenage years, cheering me on my mission, loving my wife and kids, and, most importantly, showing me a Christlike example to live up to. I love you! (Dustin)

Thanks for always communicating your love to me as unconditional and for teaching me to value kindness. (Scott Heffernan)

Even though your legs don't work anymore you have managed to come at life with an amazing sense of humor and ability to make the world and everyone in it your friend. Thanks for always loving me for who I am and helping me gain a strong sense of self. You are loved today and everyday. (Aimee)

This post was originally published May 13, 2012.

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