by Aimee (bio)
Primary songs have been a huge way in which I connect with the spirit. In times of trial, joy, difficulty and happiness, there is often an appropriate Primary song to use as my personal, spiritual soundtrack. My mom's favorite calling in church was being the Primary chorister, so from a young age the songs have found a home in my soul. History is being repeated when I sing my son the songs as I rock him to sleep, which I hope my children will do to their children and so on and so forth.
In a previous ward, I was the Primary secretary and I was in a particularly heavy season of life. One Sunday, the primary kids were singing My Heavenly Father Loves Me. The simple words powerfully reminded me of some of my favorite truths, making me teary-eyed and thankful for the beautiful world we have been given.
Sharing a love of hymns and Primary songs, Scott and I have created LDS-inspired, retro-style images based on our favorite Primary songs. Today, we want to give an image to a Modern Mormon Men reader.
The winner can choose any item from the PopRocks Design shop up to $36.
Giveaway Guidelines:
You have THREE chances to enter. Each entry requires a separate comment.
1. Leave a comment with the print you like best or your favorite primary song (anonymous comments ignored).
2. Like the PopRocks Design or Modern Mormon Men Facebook page. Or follow MMM on Twitter. Leave a comment here letting us know you did.
3. Share this giveaway post via Facebook or Twitter. Leave a comment here letting us know you did.
• 7 days to enter (closes Thursday, June 21st at midnight).
• Winner announced June 25th.
• Winner must respond via email with their image choice and mailing address by June 28th.
Can't wait? Use discount code MODERNMORMONMEN to receive 15% off.