by Scott Heffernan (bio)
If you’ve never seen, it’s worth checking out. Part of the Cheezburger network, it compares two pop culture images that look eerily similar. It’s creepy and hilarious, but is lacking on the Mormon front. So I’m starting a series called Mormon Doppelgängers, which hopes to bring to light examples that are more relevant to our neck of the woods. Here’s a few to get us started.
See all Doppelgängers here.
Spencer W. Kimball & Yoda
Had to get this one out of the way. Rumor has it Yoda was actually modeled after our beloved prophet. Rumor has a lot of things that aren’t true though. Still, with the voice, hair, ears, and overall cuteness, one has to wonder.
J. Golden Kimball & James Cromwell
Design Mom & Valeria Golino
Images via here,, here, here,, and IMDb.
Please refrain from making any personal attacks on anyone featured. Cruel comments will not be tolerated. And yes, I realize the irony that the post itself could be considered a cruel personal attack.
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