by Seattle Jon (bio)
This post was originally published on October 17, 2011.
Alliteration: the repetition of usually initial consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words or syllables.
Mormonism is full of alliteration.
The tendency to alliterate started with apostle Parley P. Pratt (okay, just trying to start a mormon myth) and continues today with general authorities Claudio Costa, Gerrit Gong and Paul Pieper, among others.
Today's young men - Peter Priesthood's - are all actively engaged in priesthood preparation for their own missionary moments, while the young women - Molly Mormon's - are advancing from Merrie Misses to Mia Maids, when they will begin work on their Personal Progress programs.
On missions, these youth partner with member missionaries to share tender testimonies. When they return, they too become member missionaries. If twenty-something mormons remain unmarried, they become part of the singles scene, a never-ending stream of Linger Longers and Munch 'n' Mingles.
Once mormon men and women enter their 30's, and as long as they have interesting careers or hobbies, they can star in their own Mormon Message.
If you leave or are kicked out of the church, there is still hope. Alliteration was used to name the "September Six."
I hope this post has been plain and precious, as well as a marvelous work to wonder at. Keep reading Modern Mormon Men - also alliteration - for more inspirational insights.
Or, give us your mormon alliteration ah-hah's in the comments ...