by Ben Johnson (bio)
And help us by the power of thy Spirit, that we may mingle
our voices with those bright, shining seraphs around thy throne, with
acclamations of praise, singing Hosanna to God and the Lamb! Doctrine and Covenants 109:79
There are currently 138 operating temples throughout the world. Of those 138 temples,
I’ve participated in the dedications of four of them; Palmyra, Nauvoo,
Bountiful and Oquirrh Mountain. I’ve enjoyed and been uplifted at each of the dedications but I've always been a little let down by one aspect: the Hosanna Shouts. There just never seemed to be much shouting going on. I guess I expected something ... more.
Listen to George Q. Cannon describe how the Shout should be given: "Now when we go before the temple and this shout goes forth, we want every man and every woman to shout these words to the very extent of their voice, so that every house in this city may tremble, the people in every portion of this city hear it and it may reach to the eternal worlds."
Does that describe any Shout you've been a part of?
After the Oquirrh Mountain dedication I came across this this post
and it struck a chord with me. I felt Kathryn's pain. I too wondered why our
shouts weren't more stirring. Weren't we dedicating the House of the Lord? Weren't we celebrating with those who have gone to the other side? Were not angels rejoicing with us? I decided to see what the Encyclopedia of Mormonism had to say on the topic. The entry states "The Hosanna Shout is whole-souled, given to the
full limit of one's strength.” Why then
do our Hosanna Shouts seem more like whimpers?
On Sunday we will have the opportunity to participate in the dedication of the Brigham City temple. As you know, baptized members of the church will be able to go to their Stake centers and watch a broadcast of the dedicatory session. My daughter, Chuck, is nine years old so she is going to be able to attend with us. I'm truly excited because Katti, Chuck and I have all agreed that we are going to do our best to make the Hosanna Shout truly a shout.
Let me conclude by asking a favor of all those that will be attending the dedication.
If you don't mind, go ahead and actually shout. Let your voices rise to heaven. We are worshipping and we are also celebrating. I think we can act like it.