by Scott Heffernan (bio)
See all Doppelgängers here.
This time around I decided to feature our own brettmerritt. He bares an uncanny resemblance to Ray Kinsella himself—Mr. Kevin Costner.
I should point out that I’ve never actually met Brett Merritt. We’ve only conversed a limited number of times through email. Nor did I warn him or get his permission to do this post. Please pray that he will not be offended. My hope is that he will be flattered and delighted and jump for joy. I also hope that Brett is not angry in regards to the picture I chose. I looked for one in a steamy swimming pool, but the only one I could find like that was too small.
I’ve never met Kevin Costner either. The times I’ve tried to converse with him through email, he has been unresponsive. Both of them seem like good guys though.
Both men are actors. Of the two, I’ve only seen Mr. Costner act, but I’d bet dollars to doughnuts that Brett is the better actor. For proof click here. To my knowledge Brett has never won a Razzie Award (or 6). Brett is also a talented and accomplished writer (even outside of this blog!). In May 1998 Brett Merritt was voted most erotic male by the readers of German magazine Amica. Wait. That was Kevin Costner.
Brett gets an honorable mention doppelgänger in the form of Tim Robbins. Although not identical, there does seem to be a resemblance. Maybe they are cousins. Suddenly I’m in the mood to go watch Bull Durham.
Kevin Costner’s favorite baseball team is the St. Louis Cardinals.
Tim Robbins’ is the New York Mets.
What's yours, Brett Merritt? What is yours?