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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Blessing From a Friendship Past - Christmas Day 2013

by Bradly Baird:

Last evening upon my return from traditional Christmas Eve family activities, I found the following post on my Facebook Timeline: "I was reading through my MTC mission journal last night. You and I talked a lot. One of the entries said something like, 'Last night Steven Covey spoke to us for too long. Veli Baird and I talked through the whole thing.'  I guess we didn't know what we were missing. I'm very thankful for that friendship. Merry Christmas!"

A most excellent Christmas present - probably one of the best ever - the note came from one of the sister missionaries that served with me in the Finland Helsinki Mission over twenty years ago; and, it started me thinking about the blessings for which I feel gratitude. I sit here in the living room, the sun sets outside the window and Christmas Day comes to a close while I compile a list, just a few things from hundreds for which I am deeply grateful. I acknowledge the Creator who gave them to me.

Family - Friendship - Spouse - Children - Sacrament - Gospel - Savior - Heaven - Earth - Salvation - Atonement - Scripture - Body - Talents - Sex - Walks - Nature - Food - Car - Computers - Airplane - House - Safety - Blankets - Colleagues - Employment - Education - Books - Art - Sport

What blessings make you truly grateful?

May this sacred season bring a stronger spirit of gratitude into all our lives.

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