Linger Longer is a series where we highlight religious and non-religious articles, as well as mormon-related podcasts. Click here for previous lists.
A Moderate Mormon's Manifesto (Feminist Mormon Housewives)
If Modest is Hottest, It's Not Modest (By Common Consent)
Peter Wiggins as Lucifer (Times and Seasons)
Elder Christofferson's Suggest Some GA Doesn't Dislike All Feminists (Zelophehad's Daughters)
A Way to Think About "Faithful Realism" (Dawning of a Brighter Day)
Rules and Relationships (Wheat & Tares)
Fraud! (Keepapitchinin)
Sisters in Scriptures (Segullah)
LDS Men, Please Consider This (Doves and Serpents)
How Would Ordaining Women Change the Structure of the Church (The Exponent)
Radical Self-Acceptance (Young Mormon Feminists)
What Paul Did Not Mean By Apostle (Faith-Promoting Rumor)
Radical Self-Acceptance (Young Mormon Feminists)
What Paul Did Not Mean By Apostle (Faith-Promoting Rumor)
On Housework (Peculiar People)
How Halloween is Hurt with Trunk or Treat (Millenial Star)
Knowing Her Worth (Elizabeth Smart) (Mormon Women Project)
OUCH! How Do I Deal with Cruel Mormon Facebook Reaction to Ordain Women (Ask Mormon Girl)
Knowing Her Worth (Elizabeth Smart) (Mormon Women Project)
OUCH! How Do I Deal with Cruel Mormon Facebook Reaction to Ordain Women (Ask Mormon Girl)
Teaching Chastity to the Relief Society (The Mormon Therapist)
Drunk Nurses and Scantily-Clad Men (No More Strangers)
Samuelson Smites Coke Truck With Rod, Changes All Products to Caffeine Free (Mormon Tabernacle Enquirer)
Mormon-Related PodcastsEpisode 439: Greg Prince On Faith and Doubt as Partners in Mormon History (Mormon Stories)
Episodes 443-444: Alternative Feminist Approaches to Ordain Women (Mormon Stories)
Episode 199: Untangling Faith, Belief and the Expectation to "Know" (Mormon Matters)
Episode 50: The Defeat of the ERA and the LDS Church (Mormon Expositor)
Episode 80: Working Moms vs Stay-At-Home Moms (FMH Podcast)
Off-Bloggernacle (non-religious sites)
Falling With Helium, Google's Data Centers on Punchcards, Rising Steadily and Twitter Timeline Height (What If?)
The Science of Snobbery (Priceonomics)
Learning From Sherlock Holmes (Seeking Wisdom)
Just How Long Can People Live? (Slate)
The Many Mysteries of Air Travel (The New York Times)
Have Sports Teams Brought Down America's Schools? (The New Yorker)
This Man Moved to at Desert Island to Disappear. Here's What Happened. (New Republic)
8 Creativity Lessons From A Pixar Animator (ZenHabits)
Louis C.K.'s Beautiful Rant Against Texting While Driving (Huffington Post)
Taxonomy: The Spy Who Loved Frogs (Nature)
On Muppets and Merchandise: How Jim Henson Turned His Art Into a Business (The Atlantic)
21 Ways Supermarkets Control Your Minds (BuzzFeed)
How the NFL Fleeces Taxpayers (The Atlantic)
40 Maps That Will Help You Make Sense of the World (Twister Sifter)
Intricate Sculptures Carved From a Single Pencil (Twister Sifter)
The Bullshit Police: Inside TAM (Newsweek)
A Move is Afoot to Keep Climate Science Out of Classrooms (Scientific American)
Is the Brain the Key to Understanding Religion? (Standpoint)
What Clayton Christensen Got Wrong (Stratechery)
New York in Black and White (Wired New York)
Six Words to Say to Your Child (A Cup of Jo)
How Do Religions Die? (The Guardian)