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Friday, July 26, 2013

Linger Longer 26

Linger Longer is a series where we highlight religious and non-religious articles, as well as mormon-related podcasts. Click here for previous lists.

Bloggernacle (religious sites)
Supporting the Faith Quest (Feminist Mormon Housewives)
Really Old Timey (By Common Consent)
Faithful Obedience or Malicious Compliance? (Times and Seasons)
Making Space for Myself as an Uncorrelated Mormon: Part 1 (Zelophehad's Daughters)
Fannie Flagg's Heavenly Mother (A Motley Vision)
The Cultivation of the Mind (Keepapitchinin)
Ebenezer Baptist Church and Marriage Equality (Doves and Serpents)
FAIR Conference Schedule (Millenial Star)
A Grief Observed (Mormon Women Project)
Mormons Absorb SCOTUS Prop 8 Rulings (Joanna Brooks' Religion Dispatches)
Mormon-Related Podcasts
Episodes 430-434: Hans Mattsson - Former LDS Area Authority Seventy (Mormon Stories)
Episode 180: Mormon Missions Take to Facebook (Mormon Matters)
Episodes 176-177: The Adam-God Doctrine: What? When? Still? (Mormon Matters)
Episodes 55-59: Terryl Givens (A Thoughtful Faith)

Off-Bloggernacle (non-religious sites)
Extreme BoatingFree FallBouncy Balls and Drain the Oceans (What If?)
How Not to Be Alone (The New York Times)
When the Beautiful Game Turns Ugly (ESPN)
Laughter and the Brain (The American Scholar)
3 Pieces of Advice I'd Give My 18-Year-Old Self If I Could (Thought Catalog)
You're Too Cheap to Fly Faster (Medium)
Gagged By Big Ag (Mother Jones)
How Caffeine Can Cramp Creativity (The New Yorker)
Advanced Alien Civilization Discovers Uninhabitable Planet (The Onion)
Atlas of True Names (Huffington Post)
The Rise of the Tick (Outside)
The Gift of Doubt (The New Yorker)
Old Economy Steve: A Meme for Frustrated Millennials (APM Marketplace)
My Tennis Obsession (Prospect Magazine)
The Making of Space Mountain (Yahoo! Travel)
Futuo! How the Romans Swore (The Atlantic)
The Physics Behind Traffic Jams (Smart Motorist)
The Best $500 Billion the United States Has Ever Spent (Motley Fool)
The NCAA Has Truly Lost Its Mind (Slate)
A Test to Measure How Rational You Really Are (i09)
Why You'll Share This Story: The New Science of Memes (Quartz)
Around the World in 20 Gaffes (Travel)
Mariano Rivera: A Singular Pitcher (The New York Times)
The Inner Game of Everything: Why a Tennis Book Is a Self-Help Sensation (BuzzFeed) **BUY BOOK**
So, You Want to Hide From the NSA? (The Atlantic)

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