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Thursday, December 13, 2012

What Will You Do TODAY?

by Seattle Jon (bio)

Every once in awhile, I'll read or listen (or both in this case) to something that prompts me to immediate action. Yesterday morning, as I finished A Thoughtful Faith podcast's two-part interview of Neylan McBaine, founder and editor of The Mormon Women Project, and then read her recent FAIR presentation entitled To Do the Business of the Church: A Cooperative Paradigm for Examining Gendered Participation Within Church Organizational Structure, I thought, "This paper will forever change the way I think about women's issues in the church. What can I do about it TODAY." So I wrote and sent the following email to my stake president and bishop.

Modern modern men, what will you do TODAY?

President X & Bishop Y:

As a husband to Cher and father to Ella, both of whom are aware and sensitive to women’s issues in the church, I urge both of you to read this wonderful paper written by Neylan McBaine and presented at the 2012 FAIR Conference. You can also listen to a recent interview of Neylan in this two-part podcast. I would then ask you the same question Neylan asked the FAIR audience: “What are you doing to excavate the power of the women in your ward [and Stake] and make their contributions more visible?

I look forward to your thoughts, especially as they relate to action items you are pursuing, plan to pursue or encourage those under your responsibility to pursue.



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