Linger Longer is a series where we highlight articles that recently caught our attention. Suggest religious blogs to add or recommend your own articles in the comments. Click here for previous efforts.
Bloggernacle (religious sites)
A Good Man is Hard to Find (Segullah)
Beauty and Unbearableness in Charlotte's Web (By Common Consent)
Gender and Priesthood (Times and Seasons)
Mormon Modesty: We Have to Do Better (Feminist Mormon Housewives) *way to go on the redesign FMH*
'Tis a Far, Far Better Thing (Zelophehad's Daughters)
Bean: Living With Sheldon (Dandelion Mama)
On Neutral Ground: Nephi Anderson and Race (The Low-Tech World)
How Do You Feel About the Relief Society Manuals? (The Exponent)
For the Strength of YOUth (Wheat & Tares)
Helaman's Sons (Keepapitchinin)
An Online Mormon Literature Course? (A Motley Vision)
Choosing Faith in the Face of Doubt (Doves and Serpents)
Remarkably Clever: The Mormons and Jane Austen (The Juvenile Instructor)
10 Changes If I Were in Charge of LDS Scripture (Faith-Promoting Rumor)
Gender Issues in Mormonism (Ask Mormon Girl)
Is Criticizing Mitt Romney an Excommunicable Offense? No (Religion Dispatches)
The Former Bishop (The Craig Report)
Mormon-Related Podcasts
Episodes 363-364: Bishop Bill Reel (Mormon Stories Podcast)
Episode 127: Grace (Mormon Matters Podcast)
Episodes 125-126: Mormonism and Politics (Mormon Matters Podcast)
Episode 59: Gina Barberi (The Cultural Hall Podcast)
Off-Bloggernacle (non-religious sites)
Why I Love Mormonism (The New York Times)
Obama's Way (Vanity Fair)
How Michael Jackson Made 'Bad' (The Atlantic)
Everybody Jump, Soul Mates, and Cassini (What If?)
10 Habits of Remarkably Charismatic People (Inc.)
On the Goodness of Beeminder (Overcoming Bias)
What Americans Do All Day Long (The Big Picture)
What Inherits Your iTunes Library? (Pay Dirt Blog)
What I Am Grateful For (The Altucher Confidential)
Ready Steady Slow: Time Slows Down When We Prepare To Move (Discover Magazine)
A Slippery Slope: Dissing Facts and Science (Working Wider)
I Knew It All Along ... Didn't I? (Science Daily)
Why Free Stuff Is So Irrationally Exciting (Bloomberg)
How Google Builds Its Maps — and What It Means for the Future of Everything (The Atlantic)
Who Killed Sarcasm? (Slate)
Comments Are the Radioactive Waste of the Web (The Telegraph)