Linger Longer is a series where we highlight articles that recently caught our attention. Suggest religious blogs to add or recommend your own articles in the comments. Click here for previous entries.
Bloggernacle (religious)
Tunes From My Father (Segullah)
On Loving Both FARMS and the Maxwell Institute (By Common Consent)
Gendered Unity (Times and Seasons)
An Open Response Re: Modesty Lessons For Children (Feminist Mormon Housewives)
How Do We Offer Pastoral Care? (Zelophehad's Daughters)
Response to Levi Petersen's "The Backslider" (The Low-Tech World)
Scouting (The Exponent)
The Cost of Being a Mormon (Wheat & Tares)
Youth Media – Our True Identity (Beginnings New)
To You, in the Year 2000 A.D. (Keepapitchinin)
On Parables As Literature (A Motley Vision)
New Resource for LDS Families with Gay Children Links Acceptance and Health (Religion Dispatches)
The New Church History Library Catalog (The Juvenile Instructor)
Fundanibleists and Fauxpologetics (Faith-Promoting Rumor)
Off-Bloggernacle (non-religious)
An Idea Worth At Least 40 nanoKardashians of Your Attention (My Heart's in Accra)
The Most Amazing Bowling Story Ever (D Magazine)
The Economics of All-You-Can-Eat Buffets (Forbes)
Daddy, What Were Compact Discs? (The New York Times)
Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things (NPR)
Can a Better Vibrator Inspire an Age of Great American Sex? (The Atlantic) *sexual content*
Princeton University Baccalaureate (Michael Lewis) and Class Day (Steve Carell) Graduation Remarks
Take Me Home by Ray Bradbury (The New Yorker)
The Most Radical Social Experiment in Modern History (The Atlantic)
Why Smart People Are Stupid (The New Yorker)
Cocaine Incorporated (The New York Times)
I Point To TED Talks and I Point to Kim Kardashian. That Is All. (Download the Universe)
Blade Runner: Which Predictions Have Come True? (BBC News)
The Partner: Meet Mitt Romney’s Most Trusted Adviser (The New Republic)
On Loving Both FARMS and the Maxwell Institute (By Common Consent)
Gendered Unity (Times and Seasons)
An Open Response Re: Modesty Lessons For Children (Feminist Mormon Housewives)
How Do We Offer Pastoral Care? (Zelophehad's Daughters)
Response to Levi Petersen's "The Backslider" (The Low-Tech World)
Scouting (The Exponent)
The Cost of Being a Mormon (Wheat & Tares)
Youth Media – Our True Identity (Beginnings New)
To You, in the Year 2000 A.D. (Keepapitchinin)
On Parables As Literature (A Motley Vision)
New Resource for LDS Families with Gay Children Links Acceptance and Health (Religion Dispatches)
The New Church History Library Catalog (The Juvenile Instructor)
Fundanibleists and Fauxpologetics (Faith-Promoting Rumor)
Off-Bloggernacle (non-religious)
An Idea Worth At Least 40 nanoKardashians of Your Attention (My Heart's in Accra)
The Most Amazing Bowling Story Ever (D Magazine)
The Economics of All-You-Can-Eat Buffets (Forbes)
Daddy, What Were Compact Discs? (The New York Times)
Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things (NPR)
Can a Better Vibrator Inspire an Age of Great American Sex? (The Atlantic) *sexual content*
Princeton University Baccalaureate (Michael Lewis) and Class Day (Steve Carell) Graduation Remarks
Take Me Home by Ray Bradbury (The New Yorker)
The Most Radical Social Experiment in Modern History (The Atlantic)
Why Smart People Are Stupid (The New Yorker)
Cocaine Incorporated (The New York Times)
I Point To TED Talks and I Point to Kim Kardashian. That Is All. (Download the Universe)
Blade Runner: Which Predictions Have Come True? (BBC News)
The Partner: Meet Mitt Romney’s Most Trusted Adviser (The New Republic)