by Aimee (bio)
Have you ever peeked at Jon Rafman's Tumblr, He collects artistic, interesting, random images from Google street view. 9 Eyes refers to the nine directional cameras to capture the 360° views on each of the google maps vehicles. I am amazed at what he finds and posts. Can you imagine all the still shots he must weed through to find some of these gems? His work is an act of love just so I can get a little eye candy every time he posts in my Google reader.
Whenever I see a Google car I get excited. I so rarely see one that when I do I declare it my lucky day. Have you ever street-viewed your house? My father-in-law made it into their street view which thrills me every time I look.
The raw world as art. Lovely, no? Here are a few of my favorites from 9 Eyes. For more images click here.
And as a tribute to my childhood and because I wish I could still get away with toilet papering ...