by brettmerritt (bio)
With all the hub-bub surrounding fellow MMM Mitt Romney and his 2012 bid for the oval office, I thought I'd take a peek at the world's foremost source of political ideologies and snarky one-liners: Twitter to see what the buzz is.
Here's what I found when I took a random sampling of Mormon-related tweets from the past seven days.
Not to bash anyone, but I think this guy has "creepy" in front of the wrong proselyters.
Then a link from our friends at By Common Consent! Hurray!
Tengrain has it all wrong. You'd never find three Theocrats in a bar.
I think it's great that she's doing her own research. Maybe she'll stumble across one of our blogs?
And, when it's all said and done ...
Yes. Yes, we are.