Tomorrow we are going to feature two posts on the topic of marriage equality/same-sex marriage. The posts come from two different contributors, with two different viewpoints.
It’s a touchy subject, so we would like to remind our readers that none of our contributors represent the blog as a whole (even though we do love all of them dearly). Each contributor speaks only for her/himself. Our contributors come from different backgrounds and are likely to have opposing opinions in some areas. We would also like to remind everyone how cool this blog is for that reason. Believe it or not, mormons are diverse, and we don’t all think the exact same way. We still share a common bond and can enjoy the association that comes with sharing our stories. The church (and this blog) is big enough for all of us.
We expect that there may be strong opinions expressed in the comments sections of these posts. We welcome that, but ask that you please remain respectful. Thanks!