It's a new year. Time to get off your lazy rear and get into shape. Many folks turn to running to drop some pounds, do a couch-to-5K, take up a hobby, or cross a marathon of their bucket list. But the good intentions of January 1 can quickly wear thin, long before your waistline gets very thin. Keep the fitness motivation going by checking out the adventures of top notch LDS running bloggers.
Here are five of the best LDS running blogs that will keep you motivated and interested while you pursue your own running fitness goals. I try to regularly read pretty much every blog by an LDS runner that I can find. These blog selections are based upon the awesome running stories and the sprinkling of LDS lifestyles discussed in the blogs. These blogs show that LDS runners are pretty great people, or, at least are pretty normal people that rise to the occasion with hard work, goal setting and the ability to write and hit the publish button on their blog on a regular basis. So go read these blogs and then lace up your running shoes and google a good couch-to-5k or marathon training program.
No. 5 Fast Cory (
Cory Reese is a long-distance runner living in southern Utah. Does he bang out a scenic southern Utah picturesque 100 miler on a weekly basis? Does he run 20 miles around his neighborhood on a Friday night just for the fun of it? It sure seems like he does. Check out his blog for his long-distance running adventures. It is just plain fun to read and he seems like a cool dude.
No. 4 See Mom Run Far (
Erin Henderson is a superwoman living in Wyoming. She has a family of 12 kids yet ran 3,480 miles last year, often getting up at unchristianly early hours to get her runs in so that she can still take care of her large family. She has a working goal of qualifying for the Women's Olympic Marathon Trials. Her blog is an interesting mix of race reports, training tips, family interactions and an amazing example of juggling family, work, church and running.
No. 3 Run Mom Run (
Amy Nelson is a multi-talented runner living in Washington state. She runs all kinds of exciting races and trains like a
No. 2 Running 180 (
Joshua Hanson is such an awesome blogger. Though is new, it is really a continuation of Josh's previous blogs. Joshua has an inspiring story of going from a 400 lb. lumbering slug to a getting-closer-to being a svelte runner, and losing 180 lbs. in the process. Joshua has a goal of running 180 half-marathon or longer races before turning 40. Currently Joshua has 56 races and is 33-years old. So he is well on his way. Joshua posts range from wicked funny stories to downright thoughtful. Go read his blog now.
No. 1 Hungry Runner Girl (
Janae Jacobs, living in Utah, has gained national attention as a fitness blogger. Janae bangs out 8-13 mile runs on a daily basis, while mixing in racing plans, fitness ideas and all kinds of fun food. Jenna's blog is an entertaining look at a fun lady (mom to one cute kid) who likes to run, eat and hang out with friends and family. Plus, she usually posts twice a day about her running, food and family adventures. So, whether morning or afternoon, whenever you are feeling lazy and not wanting to exercise, Janae most likely has a new post to give you a needed pick-me-up. Well done Janae.
Honorable Mentions
There are other numerous blogs that would qualify as runners up and honorable mentions, and more blogs are coming online all the time. If enough people read this post and care about the subject, I will highlight the honorable mentions in future posts.
If you know of other running blogs by LDS runners, or wish to nominate a blog for future consideration, please send your tips to My goal is to create a master list of blogs by LDS runners. So when your running and fitness inspiration takes a dive, you will know where to go to read about the adventures of others and get your mojo back!

Jared Le Fevre is a running hobbyist (Clydesdale division, which is a nice way of saying over 200 lbs, which is a nice way of saying that he weights to much for his height) and tax and business lawyer (when he can find the time), with five awesome kids and a wife. He blogs at LDS Runners and A Case of the Slow Runs.