Linger Longer is a series where we highlight religious and non-religious articles, as well as mormon-related podcasts. Click here for previous lists.
Bloggernacle (religious sites)
Undoing Shoulder and Knee Obsession in Mormon Kids (Feminist Mormon Housewives)
Men, Sex and Modesty (By Common Consent)
Reconciling Modesty With Feminism (Times and Seasons)
Please, Emporer, Prayerfully Consider a Wardrobe Change (Zelophehad's Daughters)
The Backslider, Covers (A Motley Vision)
Sex in Young Adult Novels (Dawning of a Brighter Day)
Woman in Swimsuit + Hostilely Sexist Man = "Immodesty" (Wheat & Tares)
Woman in Swimsuit + Hostilely Sexist Man = "Immodesty" (Wheat & Tares)
A Word to Little Girls: The View from 1867 (Keepapitchinin)
How to Be Selfish (Segullah)
Our Favorite Mormons: Freda Lucretia Magee (Doves and Serpents)
On the Sexist Nature of Benevolent Patriarchy (The Exponent) *discusses two MMM posts (here and here)
An Interview with Joanna Brooks (Young Mormon Feminists)
An Interview with Joanna Brooks (Young Mormon Feminists)
Wife ... Mother ... And ...? (The Juvenile Instructor)
Modern Mormonism and Christianity’s Legacy of Holy Misogyny (Faith-Promoting Rumor)
Modern Mormonism and Christianity’s Legacy of Holy Misogyny (Faith-Promoting Rumor)
The Pope’s Conservative Reasons for Saying Nice Things about Atheists (Peculiar People)
On Norms and Expectations (Millenial Star)
Why Do You Need Feminism (Dandelion Mama)
Heart to Heart with Hart (Mormon Women Project)
Fembryology: A Feminist Critique of the Proclamation on the Family: Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 (No More Strangers)
We Want Everyone to Come to the Family Reunion (Joanna Brooks' Religion Dispatches)
Health Inspector Closes Sacrament Preparation Room (Mormon Tabernacle Enquirer)
Mormon-Related PodcastsEpisodes 422-423: John Hamer on Returning to Mormonism Through the Community of Christ (Mormon Stories)
Episodes 174-175: The Chaplains on ... Suffering (Mormon Matters)
Episodes 47-48: Amy and Jeff - Are You a Member of the Mormon Club? (A Thoughtful Faith)
Off-Bloggernacle (non-religious sites)
Bowling Ball, Alien Astronomers, Sunset on the British Empire and Sunless Earth (What If?)
How Not to Be Alone (The New York Times)
Why Rational People Buy Into Conspiracy Theories (The New York Times)
The Best Commencement Speeches of 2013 (The Atlantic)
Welcome to the Real Space Age (New York Magazine)
Some of My Best Friends Are Germs (The New York Times)
The Suicide Epidemic (The Daily Beast)
The Gut-Wrenching Science Behind the World's Hottest Peppers (Smithsonian)
The Price of Human Kidney (Priceonomics)
Why Are We Here? Evolution's Dirty Secrets (Salon)
What Happens to Donated Cars? (Priceonomics)
Earth's Weirdest Landscapes (Sierra Magazine)
Why ESPN is So Good at Televising Spelling Bees, Poker, Yachting and Other Non-Sports (Quartz)
Silent War (Vanity Fair)
The Amish Are Getting Fracked (New Republic)
13 Things That Seem Like Scams But Are Actually Really Great (Business Insider)
The Awful Truth About Jogging (Medium) **language**
#LessonsFromScaryMovies (Yahoo! Movies)
The Unlikely Evolution of the @ Symbol (Fast Company)
14 Great Americans on Twitter Before @HillaryClinton (Bloomberg)
7 Old Wives' Tales About Cooking Steak That Need to Go Away (Serious Eats)
The Feminist Taylor Swift Twitter Account is Hilarious (BuzzFeed)
On "Geek" vs "Nerd" (Slackpropogation)
Cracks in the Periodic Table (Scientific American)