by Saint Mark (bio)
Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints call them "talks," but most (non)Christians call them sermons. This is a series of sermons that many Latter-day Saints love and believe. I hope these sermons promote and perfect your faith as they do mine. Read or watch the entire sermon here.
Anyone who has heard Elder David A. Bednar speak knows that Elder Bednar has a unique delivery. From his "you and I" phrasing to his ability to dive beneath the surface of the scriptures, Elder Bednar became an Apostle of Jesus Christ and sent a positive ripple throughout the LDS membership. That sanctifying ripple began with The Tender Mercies of the Lord, a talk given in April 2005 General Conference.
Staring at us the entire time, this phrase in the introduction of the Book of Mormon was never fleshed out as meaningfully as it was when Elder Bednar walked us layer by layer through the meaning and implication of what exactly are the tender mercies of Jesus Christ. Our thought process and lexicon have never been the same since.
Elder Bednar's words helped me to expand my paradigm of the workings of God in my life and to recognize His tender mercies. Gratitude is more a part of my life and I have Elder Bednar and God to thank for that.