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Monday, October 29, 2012

Linger Longer 15

Linger Longer is a series where we highlight articles that recently caught our attention. Suggest religious blogs to add or recommend your own articles in the comments. Click here for previous lists.

Bloggernacle (religious sites)
On Forgiveness and Syphilis (Segullah)
Notes on Apologetics (By Common Consent)
New Progress for Mormon Studies (Times and Seasons)
Dear FMH: Father's Rights? (Feminist Mormon Housewives)
Spiritual Authority Figures and Spiritual Role Models (Zelophehad's Daughters)
Disarmament (Dandelion Mama)
Brace Yourselves: Mormon Literature and the Drop in Missionary Age (The Low-Tech World)
The Evolving Mormon Definition of Preside (The Exponent)
Who Are the Current Church Leader Intellectuals? (Wheat & Tares)
Welcome to the New [Young Women] Curriculum! (Beginnings New)
Sharing Christ (Keepapitchinin)
Mormon War (Rational Faiths)
Why I'm Glad (and Proud) I Was Raised Mormon (Into the Hills)
The Three Nephites and Mormon Literature (A Motley Vision)
Shielding Children From Our Emotions (Doves and Serpents)
Larry Echohawk and Lamanite Identities (The Juvenile Instructor)
My Stab at Proper Balance Between the Intellectual and the Spiritual, For Now Anyway (Faith-Promoting Rumor)
What do Mormons Believe About African Americans? Election Year Update (Ask Mormon Girl)
Boy Scout "Perversion Files" Raise Questions About Abuse in Mormon Contexts (Religion Dispatches)

Mormon-Related Podcasts
Episodes 376: Margaret Young - Race and Gender Dynamics in Modern Mormonism (Mormon Stories Podcast)
Episode 369: Exploring LDS Temple Exclusion and Inclusion (Mormon Stories Podcast)
Episodes 129-130: New Missionary Age (Mormon Matters Podcast)
Matters of the Heart 3: A New Story for Mormon Women (Mormon Matters Podcast)

Off-Bloggernacle (non-religious sites)
A Conservative History of the United States (The New Yorker)
The Parent Rap (bluefish TV)
Athiest, Gnostic, Theist, Agnostic (The Freethinker)
The Medicine of Gratitude (DailyGood)
Droppings, Raindrop, and Laser Pointer (What If?)
How to Stop Hospitals from Killing Us (The Wall Street Journal)
The 18 Worst Things for Left-Handed People (BuzzFeed)
The $9 Cardboard Bike (Fast Company)
Tasting Like Chicken (Slate)
The Marketplace in Your Brain (The Chronicle)
The Peak Time for Everything (The Wall Street Journal)
Paradox of Hoaxes: How Errors Persist, Even When Corrected (Wired)
The Economics of Video Games (Washington Post WonkBlog)
The Best TV Show That's Ever Been: Cheers (GQ)
Life Under Romneycare (Esquire)
Why Are We So Rude Online? (The Wall Street Journal)
The Ridiculous Business Jargon Dictionary (The Office Life)
A Glimpse at the Sacred Heart of Mormonism (The Wall Street Journal)
Do You Identify as Intelligent? (The Last Word on Nothing)

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