Friday, September 28, 2012

Linger Longer 14

Linger Longer is a series where we highlight articles that recently caught our attention. Suggest religious blogs to add or recommend your own articles in the comments. Click here for previous efforts.

Bloggernacle (religious sites)
A Good Man is Hard to Find (Segullah)
Beauty and Unbearableness in Charlotte's Web (By Common Consent)
Gender and Priesthood (Times and Seasons)
Mormon Modesty: We Have to Do Better (Feminist Mormon Housewives) *way to go on the redesign FMH*
'Tis a Far, Far Better Thing (Zelophehad's Daughters)
Bean: Living With Sheldon (Dandelion Mama)
On Neutral Ground: Nephi Anderson and Race (The Low-Tech World)
How Do You Feel About the Relief Society Manuals? (The Exponent)
For the Strength of YOUth (Wheat & Tares)
Helaman's Sons (Keepapitchinin)
An Online Mormon Literature Course? (A Motley Vision)
Choosing Faith in the Face of Doubt (Doves and Serpents)
Remarkably Clever: The Mormons and Jane Austen (The Juvenile Instructor)
10 Changes If I Were in Charge of LDS Scripture  (Faith-Promoting Rumor)
Gender Issues in Mormonism (Ask Mormon Girl)
Is Criticizing Mitt Romney an Excommunicable Offense? No (Religion Dispatches)
The Former Bishop (The Craig Report)

Mormon-Related Podcasts
Episodes 363-364: Bishop Bill Reel (Mormon Stories Podcast)
Episode 127: Grace (Mormon Matters Podcast)
Episodes 125-126: Mormonism and Politics (Mormon Matters Podcast)
Episode 59: Gina Barberi (The Cultural Hall Podcast)

Off-Bloggernacle (non-religious sites)
Why I Love Mormonism (The New York Times)
Obama's Way (Vanity Fair)
How Michael Jackson Made 'Bad' (The Atlantic)
Everybody Jump, Soul Mates, and Cassini (What If?)
10 Habits of Remarkably Charismatic People (Inc.)
On the Goodness of Beeminder (Overcoming Bias)
What Americans Do All Day Long (The Big Picture)
What Inherits Your iTunes Library? (Pay Dirt Blog)
What I Am Grateful For (The Altucher Confidential)
Ready Steady Slow: Time Slows Down When We Prepare To Move (Discover Magazine)
A Slippery Slope: Dissing Facts and Science (Working Wider)
I Knew It All Along ... Didn't I? (Science Daily)
Why Free Stuff Is So Irrationally Exciting (Bloomberg)
How Google Builds Its Maps — and What It Means for the Future of Everything (The Atlantic)
Who Killed Sarcasm? (Slate)
Comments Are the Radioactive Waste of the Web (The Telegraph)

Mormon Doppelgängers 11: Jenna Kim Jones & Elisha Cuthbert

by Scott Heffernan (bio)

See all Doppelgängers here.

Do you know Jenna Kim Jones? She's a writer, a comedian, and she's a Mormon. I don't know her personally, but I know I like her tweets.

You probably recognize Elisha Cuthbert as Jack Bauer's daughter on 24. Maybe you saw her in Old School or The Girl Next Door (neither of which are currently available on ClearPlay).

Other than looking alike, these lovely ladies don't seem to have much in common. However, Jenna is a Gemini and Elisha won a Gemini Award once, so ... there's that.

Honorable mention: Mae Whitman

Am I the only one who sees a resemblance here? You may know Mae from Parenthood, Scott Pilgrim vs. the Word, and Avatar: The Last Airbender. But really, she'll always be Ann, aka Egg, from Arrested Development.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Declaration of Dependence

by Seattle Jon (bio)

image via BBC News

In 1913, in an effort to reduce and regulate childhood labor, the National Child Labor Committee composed a Declaration of Dependence by and on behalf of the children of America. I came across the declaration while reading Howard Zinn's A Young People's History of the United States, and since I'd never read it before I thought I would share. I particularly like the language in Section I.
WHEREAS, We, Children of America, are declared to have been born free and equal, and

WHEREAS, We are yet in bondage in this land of the free; are forced to toil the long day or the long night, with no control over the conditions of labor, as to health or safety or hours or wages, and with no right to the rewards of our service, therefore be it

RESOLVED, I - That childhood is endowed with certain inherent and inalienable rights, among which are freedom from toil for daily bread; the right to play and to dream; the right to the normal sleep of the night season; the right to an education, that we may have equality of opportunity for developing all that there is in us of mind and heart.

RESOLVED, II - That we declare our selves to be helpless and dependent; that we are and of right ought to be dependent, and that we hereby present the appeal of our helplessness that we may be protected in the enjoyment of the rights of childhood.

RESOLVED, III - That we demand the restoration of our rights by the abolition of child labor in America.
Interestingly, a Google search for "Declaration of Dependence" brought up an Ensign article written by Robert K. and Shirley Wilkes Thomas in June 1976 titled Declaration of Dependence: Teaching Patriotism in the Home. While not directly related to the declaration above, the article is worth reading.

Guest Post: Moroni vs. Jigsaw, The Role of Violence in Media

Want to be translated like Enoch? Submitting a guest post to Modern Mormon Men is a good start. Send us an email with your post, a post title and a paragraph of introduction on yourself.

Jonathan Decker is a marriage and family therapist moonlighting as a film critic, providing Hollywood movie reviews from a Latter-day Saint perspective at Mormon Movie Guy. He also writes for Meridian Magazine and Mommy Bear Media. Jonathan has a background in independent film and stage performance, including two years with the popular BYU humor group Divine Comedy. Find and follow Jonathan on Facebook and Twitter.

When it comes to media, it used to be that General Authorities warned us mostly about pornography. In recent years, however, the Brethren have increasingly turned their attention to the portrayals of violence that are so prevalent at the cinema, on TV, and in video games. We are directed, in the most recent version of the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet, to "not attend, view, or participate in anything that is vulgar, immoral, violent, or pornographic in any way. Do not participate in anything that presents immorality or violence as acceptable."

Accepting, as I do, the words of modern prophets and apostles as if from the Lord himself (D&C 1:38) this poses a conundrum, as I love action films, a genre of entertainment that absolutely portrays violence as acceptable. Of course, if it were necessary, I’d like to believe that I would sacrifice my favorite manly movies in order to "be diligent in keeping the commandments of God as they are written." (Alma 37:20)

But wait just one minute. Isn’t there violence in Church movies? Should we avoid The Testaments because it shows the Lord being whipped and crucified? Is Joseph Smith - The Prophet of the Restoration inappropriate for my kids because it portrays the great restorer gunned down at Carthage Jail? Can I get an edited version of The Whole Armor of God, as it has a sword fight representing our battle sin? Could O Ye Fair Ones be run through Clearplay? After all, I don’t want to sit through that scene of a river flowing with blood after the Nephites are wiped out.

Please don’t misunderstand my humor as calling the Brethren into question. I’m absolutely not. I stand by my testimony that the kingdom is led by living prophets and apostles. But how do we account for this supposed discrepancy between the counsel we’ve received from Church leaders and the films they themselves have overseen and approved? Is violence ever acceptable in arts and entertainment?

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Forget Proper Discipline: Let Your Kids Know You're Craaaaazy

by Dustin (bio)

For some time now I've been intrigued as I watch parents struggle to discipline their children. Some parents have no discipline strategy at all and it shows: kids run rampant and constant anarchy reigns. Other parents have a great system in private but when their kids go out in public it all goes to pot. And yet other parents are unashamed to make a public display, such as the lady who put her kid in the naughty corner during sacrament meeting a few weeks ago, except the naughty corner was the front pew in the chapel in the middle of the meeting. The whole ward got a good taste of her child's tantrum abilities. Early on in our parenting I stumbled on a technique that has paid serious dividends in disciplining our children for inappropriate behavior, whether in public or in private, and I feel it's time to share it. As with all good parenting techniques, it has roots in the prison system.

Prison is a scary place. So is elementary school. And so is virtually any new environment where there is a pre-existing power dynamic -- first day at a new company, rookie on a sports team, new recruit in the military or in a fraternity. What all of these scenarios have in common is an underground hierarchy. Someone is the top dog and everyone else is not. But there's a quick, time-tested way to level the playing field and earn instant respect. It's the principle of "mind games." Let's look at an example:

Imagine it's your first day in prison. What's the first thing you do? Rearrange the cot in your cell? Organize your belongings and unpack your toothbrush? No. You go to the lunchroom and find the biggest, meanest, scariest inmate you can, walk directly up to him, and punch him in the face. Just like that everyone thinks "this guy is either really stupid or really crazy or both." Forget what happens as a result. The power dynamic has instantly shifted. People don't mess with you because you're unpredictable. They're not sure what's next. You make people uneasy and for that reason you're respected. But the principle doesn't always need to include physicality to be effective. Take your first day at a new job. One of the best ways to shift the power dynamic is to allow yourself to get "caught" in your office rocking back and forth, staring out the window with crazy eyes, and mumbling to yourself. People see this and think, "This guy's crazy. I'm not messing with him." Better yet, keep the door cracked while doing decline push ups off the edge of your desk in the middle of the afternoon. Mumble to yourself between sets and don't be afraid to occasionally lash out at the wall or another inanimate object. Instant respect.

So let's translate the principle to parenting. First off, I'm not advocating abuse. Far from it. What I'm advocating is keeping your kids on their toes. When kids act out they are testing your boundaries, so don't let them find the boundary. Here's how it works in our house:

Several weeks ago my four-year-old was misbehaving, acting the fool. Any other parent would have either spanked him or put him in the naughty corner straightaway, but I knew better. I recognized this as a perfect opportunity to leverage the craziness. I marched over to him, flipped him upside down, lifted him over my head by his ankles, and began to tricep press him. Partly stunned by my stealth and partly by the fact that he was now hanging upside down being repped like a dumbbell, he fell into line. Just as quickly as I lifted him over my head I set him back down on the couch, pointed at him, and nodded my head Mr. T style.

No words were exchanged. We didn't dialogue about what he was doing or why that just happened. I just let it linger and then walked off. We didn't need to discuss it. We both knew what just happened. And I could see the wheels in his mind spinning as I turned to walk away and left him thinking to himself, "What was that!?! Man. DAD IS CRAZY."

Here's another one:

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Work Ethic vs. Inspiration

by Seattle Jon (bio)

I've been coming across article after article in my Internet wanderings about how the idea that just showing up and doing the work is just as important as the notion of "inspiration" in the creative process. Here are two examples from musicians - the first, an excerpt from a letter legendary composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky wrote in 1878, and the second an interview with Jack White, formerly of The White Stripes.

"Do not believe those who try to persuade you that composition is only a cold exercise of the intellect. The only music capable of moving and touching us is that which flows from the depths of a composer’s soul when he is stirred by inspiration. There is no doubt that even the greatest musical geniuses have sometimes worked without inspiration. This guest does not always respond to the first invitation. We must always work, and a self-respecting artist must not fold his hands on the pretext that he is not in the mood. If we wait for the mood, without endeavouring to meet it half-way, we easily become indolent and apathetic. We must be patient, and believe that inspiration will come to those who can master their disinclination.

A few days ago I told you I was working every day without any real inspiration. Had I given way to my disinclination, undoubtedly I should have drifted into a long period of idleness. But my patience and faith did not fail me, and to-day I felt that inexplicable glow of inspiration of which I told you; thanks to which I know beforehand that whatever I write to-day will have power to make an impression, and to touch the hearts of those who hear it. I hope you will not think I am indulging in self-laudation, if I tell you that I very seldom suffer from this disinclination to work. I believe the reason for this is that I am naturally patient. I have learnt to master myself, and I am glad I have not followed in the steps of some of my Russian colleagues, who have no self-confidence and are so impatient that at the least difficulty they are ready to throw up the sponge. This is why, in spite of great gifts, they accomplish so little, and that in an amateur way."

Here is Jack White echoing Tchaikovsky.

Giveaway 16: Winner

by Seattle Jon (bio)

Carol Lynn Pearson is arguably one of the most beloved and successful mormon authors, poets, and playwrights of all time. You might know her as the creator of the popular LDS musical, My Turn on Earth.

She is also incredibly generous, as evidenced by her frequent appearances on mormon-related podcasts and at mormon-related conferences. She was also quick to agree to this giveaway, so please, if you didn't win, support her in her work by purchasing her books and/or subscribing to her monthly newsletter.

Now, congratulations to the winner: Nick Literski (link to comment)

Email us your address by Friday, September 28th to claim your book. Thanks to everyone for participating and look for another giveaway in the near future!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Looking The Other Way: A Love of Baseball Culture

by Bradly Baird (bio)

SpringMobile Baseball Park on August 31, 2012 (photo courtesy of Heidi Baird)

The summer came to a close recently and my family marked the occasion by attending a Salt Lake Bees game at Spring Mobile Park in Salt Lake City. The park is sandwiched between homes and businesses in a quiet little neighborhood south of downtown Salt Lake City, and there is very little available parking to be found. Nevertheless, we were excited at the prospects of the fun to be had and did not mind the long walk through the neighborhood. Once inside, we noticed the heat from the afternoon sun melting into a pleasantly cool evening with a gentle breeze, providing the perfect summer evening to take in a game.

The atmosphere of the ballpark at gametime always energizes me. I love the strangely tantalizing aroma of food and drink coming from the vendors in the concourse, the noise of the crowds trying to find their seats or purchase a game program, and the obnoxious shouts from enthusiastic peanut vendors. I also love the exciting sensations of emerging from an over-crowded concourse into the bleachers: the explosion of cool air, the glare of the bright lights, and the brilliant green of the ballfield grass. These are the things that make or break a ballgame for me, and the evening brought no disappointments.

We settled into our seats to watch the Bees - a triple-A affiliate for the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim - take on the Sacramento River Cats. The game was great fun and offered some very exciting moments, including a couple of spectacular home runs. Everyone in the family cheered along with the crowd and soaked up the atmosphere, especially my son who waved a giant foam finger about and rocked out to the music blasting from the park loudspeakers. Even our daughter and her best friend made the most of the atmosphere, racing off to buy pizza and snacks and riding a small passenger "train" that carries spectators from one end of the park to another. And, of course, everyone thoroughly enjoyed the seventh inning stretch when the audience stood and sang Take Me Out to The Ball Game.

Friday, September 21, 2012

More Worst LDS Hymns (With Some Bests)

by LJ (bio)

A-Dub wrote this exceptional post about the worst hymns in the LDS Hymnbook. A-Dub, I add a respectful chunk of Worsts to your already excellent list (with one duplicate) and then throw in a few of what are, in my opinion, the Bests.

#307: In Our Lovely Deseret is a hymn my little brother ruined for me when we were in high school. One Sunday we were singing it in church and when it got to the first chorus, he looked over at me and started clapping his hands and barking like a seal in time with the "Hark! Hark! Hark!". I had tears running down my face by the time the song ended.

#285: God Moves in a Mysterious Way is one of the sad little hymns with some pretty good text and the most boring melody in the book. Click through for yourself and see.

#216: We Are Sowing stands out in my memory just because ... well, let me explain. My mom has an astounding memory in general, but I'm convinced she has the hymnbook memorized and has for the last 30 years. She sang the hymns around the house, working in the yard, on car trips and while rocking us when we were sick for hours. She loves them.

The first time I heard We Are Sowing was in one of my first Relief Society meetings as an 18-year-old, and when we got to the line "Seeds that sink in rich, brown furrows / Soft with heaven's gracious rain / Seeds that rest upon the surface / Of the dry, unyielding plain" I looked over at her with a massive eye roll and she returned it.

#232: Let Us Oft Speak Kind Words There was one time that we were having a family-wide shouting match and my brother Allen started singing this hymn, only to have my mom tell him to shut up. Well, the fight dissolved pretty quickly when we started dropping to the floor in laughter. I love this hymn for that memory, but put it in the worst camp just for the phrase "Like the warblings of birds on the heather." Warblings. Seriously.

Okay, on to the Best hymns. Best hymns have to fall within certain parameters for me: they have to be slightly unknown, mostly awesome, and someday worthy of a re-arrangement by Mack Wilberg of the MoTab. (Mack, if you're out there reading, Nathan Frost's little sister says hi.)

#80: God of Our Fathers, Known of Old is one that said brother Nathan made us all sit down and learn at a family reunion in 2005. None of us besides him had ever heard of it, and I have yet to meet someone who has. Text by Rudyard Kipling and I'm telling you, folks, it's a gem.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Hosanna Shou ... I Mean, Shhhh!

by Ben Johnson (bio)

And help us by the power of thy Spirit, that we may mingle our voices with those bright, shining seraphs around thy throne, with acclamations of praise, singing Hosanna to God and the Lamb! Doctrine and Covenants 109:79

There are currently 138 operating temples throughout the world. Of those 138 temples, I’ve participated in the dedications of four of them; Palmyra, Nauvoo, Bountiful and Oquirrh Mountain. I’ve enjoyed and been uplifted at each of the dedications but I've always been a little let down by one aspect: the Hosanna Shouts. There just never seemed to be much shouting going on. I guess I expected something ... more.

Listen to George Q. Cannon describe how the Shout should be given: "Now when we go before the temple and this shout goes forth, we want every man and every woman to shout these words to the very extent of their voice, so that every house in this city may tremble, the people in every portion of this city hear it and it may reach to the eternal worlds."

Does that describe any Shout you've been a part of?

After the Oquirrh Mountain dedication I came across this this post and it struck a chord with me. I felt Kathryn's pain. I too wondered why our shouts weren't more stirring. Weren't we dedicating the House of the Lord? Weren't we celebrating with those who have gone to the other side? Were not angels rejoicing with us? I decided to see what the Encyclopedia of Mormonism had to say on the topic. The entry states "The Hosanna Shout is whole-souled, given to the full limit of one's strength.” Why then do our Hosanna Shouts seem more like whimpers?

On Sunday we will have the opportunity to participate in the dedication of the Brigham City temple. As you know, baptized members of the church will be able to go to their Stake centers and watch a broadcast of the dedicatory session. My daughter, Chuck, is nine years old so she is going to be able to attend with us. I'm truly excited because Katti, Chuck and I have all agreed that we are going to do our best to make the Hosanna Shout truly a shout.

Let me conclude by asking a favor of all those that will be attending the dedication. If you don't mind, go ahead and actually shout. Let your voices rise to heaven. We are worshipping and we are also celebrating. I think we can act like it.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Happy New Year! Year 5773 That Is ...

by Saint Mark (bio)

It’s that time of year again. For those who do not know, this week marks the beginning of a new Jewish year. The 5,773rd year, to be exact. As you may know, the Jewish new year comes less than two weeks before a Mormon holy day, General Conference, which is where the Prophet of God and the Apostles of Jesus Christ, among others, will speak to the world and give the Lord’s counsel for our times.

In honor of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, I thought it would be fascinating to consider the intersection between Jewish holy days and holy events in the history of the LDS Church.

Disclaimer: This is my own research and should not be considered LDS Church doctrine or Jewish doctrine or anyone’s doctrine other than my own.

Teaching at a Jewish private school, I gained an initial interest in the subject after learning and celebrating all of the various Jewish holidays. Whether it was participating in a Purim play where Haman‘s name was received with audible revulsion as if it was Hitler’s name being conjured or eating bitter herbs in rememberance of the Passover or sharing in the stories of students’ Sukkot building endeavors, I realized that the days that these holy days occurred may have temporal significance beyond the borders of the Judaic faith. And, as you’ll see, they do.

1820 - The First Vision

Pesach, or Passover, began sunset of Wednesday, March 29th and concluded sunrise of Friday, April 7th in 1820. Passover is a Jewish holiday and festival. It commemorates the story of the Exodus, in which the ancient Israelites were freed from slavery in Egypt.

1820 was when Joseph Smith had his First Vision. We don't know the exact date that Joseph Smith prayed in a grove and saw the Father and His Son, but we do know that it occurred on a spring morning. My assumption is that it happened during the week of Passover and most likely on Thursday, April 6th. Why April 6th? See below.

Personally, I feel this would manifest great symbolism by the All Mighty if the First Vision did occur during Passover. Why? Because Passover ushered in the freedom of the Israelites from the chains of Egyptian slavery. The First Vision also ushered in a new dispensation of freedom of the spirits of mankind from the chains of apostasy. Each ushered in an eventual exodus; Mormons just took a few more years to get going.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Mormon Soup - Episode 3

by Scott Heffernan (bio)

Welcome to another episode of Mormon Soup! A web series reviewing Mormon news, pop culture, and current events.

Larry Whilmore's Race, Religion & Sex (in Utah)
Mormon Church Buys Ads in Book of Mormon Playbill in L.A. - Los Angeles Times
Brandon Flowers and Richard Dawkins Interview
The Waylaying of Brandon Flowers - Marc Bohn (Times and Seasons)
Richard Dawkins, you’re an ass. Brandon Flowers, you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. - Matthew (Doves and Serpents)
Mormon in America - Rock Center with Brian Willaims
Mormonism in the News: Getting It Right | August 29 - Mormon Newsroom
OK, Mormons, Drink Up — Coke and Pepsi Are OK - Peggy Fletcher Stack (Salt Lake Tribune)
Just Dew It: BYU Students Pushing for Caffeinated Colas - Peggy Fletcher Stack (Salt Lake Tribune)
On Immodest Angels... - Heather (Doves and Serpents)
Editing Photos to Add Cap Sleeves Is a Bad Idea - Cynthia L. (By Common Consent)

Monday, September 17, 2012

Giveaway 16: Carol Lynn Pearson Book

by Seattle Jon (bio)

Carol Lynn Pearson is arguably one of the most beloved and successful mormon authors, poets, and playwrights of all time. You might know her as the creator of the popular LDS musical, My Turn on Earth.

Although I was familiar with My Turn on Earth, I first learned about Carol Lynn as a person from her five-part interview on Mormon Stories (audio and video). Since then, I've kept up-to-date on her efforts to build stronger ties between the church and the LGBTQ community, as well as to push for stronger leadership roles for women in mormonism, through her monthly newsletter.

I am also always on the lookout for her books at my local Deseret Industries, where I recently came across three books of her poetry (Beginnings, The Search and The Growing Season). Here is a poem from The Search, which spoke to me because of our adoption process with Jonny.

To An Adopted

Did not plant you,
But when
The season is done -
When the alternate
Prayers for sun
And for rain
Are counted -
When the pain
Of weeding
And the pride
Of watching
Are through -

I will hold you
A shining sheaf
Above the thousand
Seeds grown wild.

Not my planting,
But by heaven
My harvest -
My own child.

Besides being a testimonial for Carol Lynn's works, this is a giveaway, so here we go. Carol Lynn has generously offered to giveaway one of her most recent books, No More Goodbyes: Circling the Wagons Around Our Gay Loved Ones. The book deals with the challenging subject of religious people relating to their gay loved ones who are often condemned by their church and -- many believe -- by God.

Giveaway Guidelines:
You have THREE chances to enter. Each entry requires a separate comment.
1. Leave a comment on this post.
2. Like MMM on Facebook or share this post on Facebook. Leave a comment letting us know you did.
3. Follow MMM on Twitter or share this post on Twitter. Leave a comment letting us know you did.

• 7 days to enter (closes Sunday, September 23rd at midnight).
• Winner announced Tuesday, September 25th.
• Can't wait? Buy the book now.

Friday, September 14, 2012

MMM Quotes 11: The Rise of Modern Mormonism

by Seattle Jon (bio)

I just finished Prince & Wright's David O. McKay and the Rise of Modern Mormonism. Everyone should read this book. In the meantime, here are a few passages that stirred something within me.

On knowledge bringing risk ...

[David O. McKay's] philosophy was that true education is liberal, painted by the broad brush strokes of all academic disciplines, unfettered by thin pencil lines of dogma. Speaking at the dedication of a church high school in New Zealand he said: "Members of the Church are admonished to acquire learning by study; also, by faith and prayer; and to seek after everything that is virtuous, lovely or of good report, or praiseworthy. In this seeking after truth, they are not confined to narrow limits of dogma, or creed, but are free to launch into the realm of the infinite for they know that 'truth is truth where'er it is found, whether on Christian or on heathan ground.'

Well aware that knowledge brought risk, McKay's response was to manage the risk, not proscribe the knowledge. Noting the "young man who, as his immature beliefs fall from him one by one, finds himself substituting science for religion, and the scientist for God," his response was to add religion as a refining influence on the young scientist, not caution him to retreat to safer ground.

On the disappointment he felt with his first temple experience ...

"Do you remember when you first went through the House of the Lord? I do. And I went out disappointed. Just a young man, out of college, anticipating great things when I went to the Temple. I was disappointed and grieved, and I have met hundreds of young men and young women since who had that experience. I have now found out why. There are two things in every Temple: mechanics, to set forth certain ideals, and symbolism, what those mechanics symbolize. I saw only the mechanics when I first went through the Temple. I did not see the spiritual. I did not see the symbolism of spirituality. Speaking plainly, I saw men, physical state, which offended me. That is a mechanic of washing ... I was blind to the great lesson of purity behind the mechanics. I did not hear the message of the Lord, "Be ye clean who bear the vessels of the Lord." I did not hear that eternal truth, "Cleanliness is next to godliness." The symbolism was lost entirely ... And so with the anointing, following the washing. Do you see the symbolism? ... How many of us young men saw that? We thought we were big enough and with intelligence sufficient to criticize the mechanics of it and we were blind to the symbolism, the message of the spirit. And then that great ordinance, the endowment. The whole thing simple in the mechanical part of it, but sublime and eternal in its significance."

On politics ...

"While we respect and revere the offices held by the members of the First Presidency of the Church, we cannot yield to others our responsibilities to our constituency, nor can we delegate our own free agency to any but ourselves. We know that each of you will agree that in this instance we act in conformity with the highest principles of our church in declining to be swayed by the view expressed in the communication of June 22nd under the signatures of the First Presidency. We hasten to assure you that we stand ready at any time to receive your views, that they will be considered and evaluated as the good faith expression of men of high purpose, but we cannot accept them as binding on us." - Senator Frank Moss (D-Utah) expressing his displeasure in the Church getting involved in political matters

"It could be pointed out there's a moral obligation to permit men to see employment regardless of union membership. It also could be argued that there's a moral question involved and the church has every right to take an active interest in the well being of all its members. But basically the right-to-work issue involving the controversial section of the Taft-Hartley law, is a matter of politics. As such, it lies far outside the jurisdiction of any church leadership. It's just not a proper matter for expression of church views and certainly church pressure is improper, to say the least. Leaders of any church should speak up on clear-cut matters of theology or morals and all members of Congress should be happy to listen and try to profit from proper advice on such matters. But church influence should be limited to problems and issues that are clearly church problems and issues. Churches have no place in politics." - A pointed editorial in an Idaho newspaper

Two months after Kennedy's assassination McKay received a phone call, the transcript of which read:

Johnson: "Mr. President, this is Lyndon Johnson ... I am an old friend of yours. I don't know whether you remember me or not, but you've been receiving me every time I come out there."

McKay: "I remember you very well. I'm glad to hear your voice too."

Johnson: "I wonder if you feel like coming down to Washington and see me sometime in the next week or two? ... I don't have any emergency, but I just need a little strength, and I think that would come from visiting with you an hour or so."

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Bruce Lee, Joseph Smith and Water

by Saint Mark (bio)

There are these two young fish swimming along, and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says, "Morning, boys, how's the water?" And the two young fish swim on for a bit, and then eventually one of them looks over at the other and goes, "What the hell is water?" - David Foster Wallace

I recently saw this fantastic video of one of my childhood icons, Bruce Lee. In a rare interview, Bruce Lee talks about his philosophy of not only fighting but of life. "Empty your mind ... be formless, shapeless, like water," he cajoles, for "water can flow or crash."

His philosophical approach initially appealed to my Eastern-centric interests in the mystical fighting arts. As a youth, I studied Taekwondo, and at one time I supposedly had a private lesson from a "ninja" but that's what my dad called him, I think only because he knew I was into ninjas back then.

At any rate, I'm a fan of Bruce Lee and if he said to be like water then my childhood instinct was to become like water. But then I decided to research the intersections between water and Joseph Smith. I thought that if this "be like water" idea was substantive then the Prophet surely had something to say about it.

Well, he did, but what he said wasn't what I expected.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Saintspeak 11: The Letter I

by Seattle Jon (bio)

Another installment from Saintspeak, the mormon humor dictionary from Orson Scott Card. Previous installments can be found here. Reproduced with permission from Signature Books.

Inheritance A permanent stewardship. For instance, the inheritance of the meek is the earth. Mineral and water rights, however, will be retained by a church holding company named Bonneville or Deseret or Zion's.

Inspired Version The popular name for an edition of the Bible that includes sections of Joseph Smith's inspired revisions of the Bible and Joseph Smith's marginal annotations. In doctrinal arguments, always remember that if you can't find a certain doctrine in the Bible, you can always claim you read it in the inspired version.

Instructor In a priesthood quorum, the referee.

Investigator Someone who suspects there are exciting, powerful truths in the gospel somewhere, despite the missionaries' best efforts to stick to the discussions.

Iron rod In Lehi's vision, the figure for the word of God. In the fog of ignorance and error, the iron rod leads straight to the tree of life. Of course, the iron rod also leads directly away from the tree, depending on which way you follow it.

Guest Post: The Frustration and Perspective of a Bishop

Want to be translated like Enoch? Submitting a guest post to Modern Mormon Men is a good start. Send us an email with your post, a post title and a paragraph of introduction on yourself.

@ldsbishop is a currently serving Mormon bishop, far away from Utah. He is a young liberal called by a God with a sense of humour to preside over an older, conservative ward. His random gospel-themed thoughts get sorted into two categories. The minority are suitable for the sacrament talks he gives far too frequently. The rest are tweeted via @ldsbishop.

Image via

I truly realised that change sometimes comes painfully slowly to the church was when the sister started crying about chairs in my office.

Our Relief Society president decided to rearrange the chairs in the Relief Society room into a horse-shoe shape instead of the traditional straight rows with an aisle down the middle arrangement. Judging from the reaction of some of the old-timers you'd have thought she was offering blood sacrifice on the embroidered table cloth at the front of the room.

So here I was comforting a lady 30 years my senior who was blubbing that she couldn’t stand the changes taking place and wished that things could go back to the way they were.

My natural instinct would be to say something like, "Stop being an idiot and pull yourself together!" but people expect a level of care from their bishop, so we had a long chat about her worries and about the greater scheme of things in the church. Trying to get people to put things into perspective is something I find myself doing far too often. Our conversation ended with me giving counsel which was essentially a very gentle version of, "Stop being an idiot and pull yourself together!" The chair arrangement in the Relief Society room reverted to the traditional layout a few weeks later.

The older people in the ward loved me until I became the bishop. Most still do, but a few were openly hostile because of my age (I was in my mid-twenties when I was called). When I was sustained, no one objected, but a few didn't raise their hands at all. So shocked were they that the Lord would call someone young enough to be their grandson to be their bishop they were frozen to the spot. One older lady hasn't been to church since. From conversations with others she has said that I will use my younger libido for evil and have affairs with the younger women of the ward. Like I have that kind of energy! It was certainly one of the more elaborate excuses for going inactive I've ever heard.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Worst LDS Hymns

by A-Dub (bio)

The LDS hymnbook is pretty great. There are some amazing hymns that inspire and invite the Spirit when they’re sung. The first LDS hymnbook was published in 1835. The latest revision of the hymnbook was in 1985; before that was 1950. So, assuming we’re going to maintain the trend of a hymnbook update every 35 years, I want to start the ball rolling for the next revision in 2020.

I don’t think it needs to be a big revision. Honestly, I think we should just cut a few. Here’s my case, in order of which hymns should go first:

1. #307 - In Our Lovely Deseret

Read the full lyrics. I’m not entirely sure why, but it seems like it’s about scolding little kids for romping around. This sounds more like a primary song than a full hymnbook hymn. Plus, the second verse is just painful:

That the children may live long
And be beautiful and strong,
Tea and coffee and tobacco they despise,
Drink no liquor, and they eat
But a very little meat;
They are seeking to be great and good and wise

In the mission field, every time I brought an investigator to church I would cringe when we sung this hymn. I always pictured the investigators wide-eyed in the chapel thinking, "What the ...?" I DESPISE you tea and coffee!! Oh, and it's not enough to be "great" and "wise," the children must be "good" also. And beautiful. So all you ugly, weak kids must not be keeping the commandments.

2. #105 - Master, the Tempest Is Raging

I think it's mainly the chorus of this song that I object to. First, it just makes the song too long. But ... demons ... what? And the beat just makes it weird, almost like a totally different hymn from the rest of the song. I've never heard the ward sing this one and thought "Hmm ... nice job everyone." It's always terrible.

The winds and the waves shall obey thy will: Peace, be still.
Whether the wrath of the storm-tossed sea
Or demons or men or whatever it be,
No waters can swallow the ship where lies
The Master of ocean and earth and skies.
They all shall sweetly obey thy will:
Peace, be still; peace, be still.
They all shall sweetly obey thy will:
Peace, peace, be still.

3. #253 Like Ten Thousand Legions Marching AND/OR #248 Up, Awake, Ye Defenders of Zion

It's nothing against either song or the lyrics or anything. It's just that we already have "Behold! A Royal Army," "Battle Hymn of the Republic," and "Carry On." Just how many army songs do we need? Plus, be honest, have you ever heard of or sung either of these? You wouldn't miss them.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Pistol Pete Maravich

by Clark (bio)

Ever since the 6th grade I've been a big fan of Pistol Pete Maravich. I had a good friend whose father would religiously teach him the basketball skills found in Pistol Pete's basketball instructional videos and I often found myself imitating his moves (not even a fraction as good as he could do them). A gal I dated gave me this book quite some time ago, but I'd never cracked it open until just recently. Glad I did. Pete had an interesting life. I took the book to work a few times to read during my lunch break and it created a few lively conversations. There are Pistol Pete fans that come out of the woodwork when you least expect it.

Giveaway 15: A Voice Worth Listening To

by Seattle Jon (bio)

My taste in music is mixed. For example, I have Lord of the Rings, Yo-Yo Ma, 80's Radio and Hip-Hop channels on Pandora that all get regular rotation. That being said, I am not a seeker of music outside the mainstream, so tracks that get radio play are usually more interesting to me.

Danielle Vaughn is an exception. I knew her personally - through the ward - before she caught my attention by singing Deep Voices at my wife's birthday party. Give it a listen (and/or listen to other tracks) then check out my interview with Danielle below. Finally, if you purchase her CD be sure to leave a comment on this post and Danielle will generously choose two of you to receive another CD to share with family and friends at no cost. The giveaway will close Sunday, September 16th at midnight.

album artwork by Frida Clements Design

Q: Can you tell us about your background in music?

I studied piano and sang in choirs while growing up. My auntie put me in lessons real young because I was constantly playing her organ and sounding out tunes. I mostly played by ear and faked it. I have some dyslexia, so note reading was super tricky for me. (I wasn't aware I had dyslexia until later in college)

I went on to study piano performance with a performing scholarship in college. I had to work really hard at note reading. I'm still not a fabulous sight reader, Chopin about killed me, but I've since found ways to navigate around reading. That's where the guitar comes in handy. Guitar and songwriting came later when I needed something more accessible for folk and bluegrass tunes. I was getting asked to sing with country and bluegrass bands, so I learned the guitar to help fill in the sound.

Q: How are you bringing music into your children's lives?

We listen to all sorts of music/genres/artists. From Americana and Folk to Pop and Techno, lots of Jazz and Classical, as well as some old school country. Good music transcends classifications, so I try to keep the kids open-minded and expose them to all kinds of artists and styles.

One of my favorite things to do is analyze a song lyric with them. We'll listen through and get a feel for it, then go back, listen again, and try to figure out what the song is saying through the lyrics. It's important to me that the kids know what the music is saying. Plus, it opens their ears to the language of poetry.

Q: How has music influenced your testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ?

Music is quite possibly the most powerful influence as far as how I've felt the spirit, especially when I was younger. The hymns are amazing! I have many favorites for different times and experiences in my life. For instance, "How Firm a Foundation" really comforted me when I found out my son was diagnosed with a life threatening heart condition. We weren't sure he was going to make it, he was hospitalized for five months, went through three major surgeries, and the prognosis was touch and go through most of his hospital stay. My testimony went through a series of faith/doubt/questioning/pondering/comfort/and reassurance - the words to that hymn would pop into my mind regularly, and I'd feel peace again. It was both simple and profound at the time. Whenever we sing that song as a congregation, it reminds me of the Lord's mindfulness and love for me and how He helps us get through difficult times.

Q: Did you write the lyrics and music for your album?

Yes, I wrote the lyrics to every song but La Vie En Rose, the last track on the album (someone else wrote it, I paid the royalty fees to the songwriters guild to have the song on my album because it's a classic and I've always loved it). I don't write every note down for recording. For jazz and rock and blues, it's more fun to work with awesome players - musicians who are super accomplished at their instrument - and let them do what they do on the fly based on what they're hearing in their own heads. That's the beauty of it, the creative charge that keeps musicians hooked on songwriting and forming bands. It's pure magic when you find players who resonate with what you're hearing in your own head, which is what happened for me with this album. In the studio, I showed up with lyric/melody/chord charts, I played my songs for the core unit of my band, we jammed for about 15 minutes, worked out intros/endings, then started recording. We were all together in the same room during the recording process and I sang the whole album live, no overdubbing. (Yeah!) It was pretty magical.

Q: If you formed a band to tour with, would you consider putting Seattle Jon on keyboards? What about a band mascot?

So funny! For sure! I'm in the process of finding some awesome players to gig with right now - if you're interested, most definitely audition!

(off the record conversation)
Seattle Jon: The least you can do is level with me. What are my chances?
Danielle: Not good.
Seattle Jon: You mean, not good like one out of a hundred?
Danielle: I'd say more like one out of a million.
[pause] Seattle Jon: So you're telling me there's a chance.

I can always use more cowbell too (Seattle Jon: I could do cowbell), if keyboards don't work out. As far as mascot goes, I'm thinking along the lines of Sasquatch ... yeah.

Friday, September 7, 2012

The Miracles of Missionary Work (Well, Just Five of Them)

by Bradly Baird (bio)

I walked away from the Provo Missionary Training Center on June 30th and felt a deep sense of loss, because this day was my last as an MTC service missionary. During my nearly eighteen months of service, I taught some eight thousand missionaries who are now preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ in missions all over the world. My service included about five hundred hours working with companionships on their gospel teaching skills and instructing large groups (usually three hundred or more) on how to work with church members. During these many hours, I personally witnessed miracles numbering in the hundreds; and, while I cannot describe them individually, I will share five miracles that settled into my mind on the day I closed the MTC security gate for the last time.

1 - When you set your life aside in service to the Master, the blessings of Heaven rain down in abundance.

2 - Heavenly Father loves His children deeply and we can feel that love any time.

3 - The Holy Ghost profoundly conveys truth.

4 - Heavenly Father answers the prayers of His children.

5 - The Atonement of Jesus Christ is real, tangible, and available to all mankind.

What more can I say? 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

How Instagram Saved My Marriage

by Scott Heffernan (bio)

Here’s the thing. I have hoarder tendencies. I’m not a hoarder, but I do lean towards collecting things and saving items that have sentimental value. My wife, Aimee, has the opposite problem. (And yes, I do say problem.) She is the anti-hoarder. Have you ever sent her a thank you card? Do you know how long she kept that card? She didn’t. It did not go on the mantle, it did not go in a keepsake box, it went in the trash. Immediately. Don’t take it personally — she doesn’t. (Bam!)

This personality difference has made for an interesting dynamic in our marriage. Here’s how it plays out. I love to shop at thrift stores. I buy lots of old toys and lots of shoes. I have a somewhat twisted sense of humor so I also look for things that are just plain weird. The problem is that these things that I buy occupy space — space in our home — and we don’t have an unlimited amount of space in our home. While I do “plan to sell” many of the items I buy, it can be frustrating to Aimee to have a house full of (what she sees as) useless junk. And it can be frustrating to me to seek out (what I see as) great hidden treasures of priceless value, only to feel too guilty to buy them and bring them home.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Pros and Cons of Marriage

by Seattle Jon (bio)

This list of pros and cons regarding marriage, written by Charles Darwin and available online in the Darwin Correspondence Project, speaks to the timeless cultural tension between family and career, love and work, heart and head.

Marry: Children – (if it Please God) – Constant companion, (& friend in old age) who will feel interested in one, – object to be beloved & played with. – better than a dog anyhow. – Home, & someone to take care of house – Charms of music & female chit-chat. – These things good for one's health. – but terrible loss of time. My God, it is intolerable to think of spending ones whole life, like a neuter bee, working, working, & nothing after all. – No, no won't do. – Imagine living all one's day solitarily in smoky dirty London House. – Only picture to yourself a nice soft wife on a sofa with good fire, & books & music perhaps – Compare this vision with the dingy reality of Grt. Marlbro' St.

Not Marry: Freedom to go where one liked – choice of Society & little of it. – Conversation of clever men at clubs – Not forced to visit relatives, & to bend in every trifle. – to have the expense & anxiety of children – perhaps quarelling – Loss of time. – cannot read in the Evenings – fatness & idleness – Anxiety & responsibility – less money for books &c – if many children forced to gain one's bread. – (But then it is very bad for ones health to work too much) Perhaps my wife wont like London; then the sentence is banishment & degradation into indolent, idle fool –

He then produces his conclusion: Marry. I think the nice soft wife who is better than a dog must have swayed him.

Being Enough

by Pete Codella (bio)

Image by Libby Williams.

I vividly remember my fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Scales, telling me daily that I wasn't quiet enough. And since I tested into her class for all the subjects that year, I also felt like I wasn't smart enough to be with some of my friends in other teacher's classes.

Have you ever felt like you weren't skinny enough? Strong enough? Bold enough? Good enough? Anything enough?

Well, enough already!

Those two words — enough already — have been swimming around in my head for a good while now. I'm just over half-way through a demanding executive MBA program at the University of Utah, and true to my upbringing, it has been way too easy to be negative and pessimistic and basically feel like I'm not bright enough or in general up to the task of completing the MBA program.

Sure there are plenty of uber-intelligent people in my cohort of 68 classmates. And I admittedly do not (ever) receive top academic placement in our coursework. But seriously, how hard should I be on myself when I'm back in school in addition to trying to be a good husband, father, family member, employee, friend, church-goer, neighbor ... and the list goes on and on ... ?

I think being content is very similar to being happy. Being content is a choice; an attitude of gratitude, so to speak. I do think being content is based on living correct principles, but you still choose to be content.

So here's my paradigm for the next eight months of my MBA program, and hopefully for hereon out: I AM ENOUGH.

Although — news flash — I'm not perfect, I can be happy in my own skin. I can choose to be optimistic instead of following an all too easy pattern of pessimism and negativity.

From now on, when I find myself thinking or saying, "I'm not fill-in-the-blank enough," I'm going to stop and say to myself, "I AM ENOUGH!"

And I invite you to join me!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

School Role Call

by Casey Peterson (bio)

Image by Anthony Easton.

As another school year is approaching, and a summer of class reunions is concluding, I recently reflected on the important "roles" filled year after year by brave students. There are widely known group roles that I'll avoid addressing. These include the athlete group, the cheerleader group, the academic group, the band group, etc. Inclusion and conformity make it comfortable and cool to be part of a group, and insane amounts of time, energy, and money are spent trying to "fit in" one of them. However, at schools across the country, a few "niche" roles are filled that add color and culture to every campus.

The following are my six favorites:

6 The Old Car Troll. Each school parking lot is incomplete without a young male trolling the parking lot in a fixed-up old car. Models are usually from the 1970's, painted a bright color, have big tires and loud music blaring, and 99.9% of the time are captained by a mullet-sporting, muscle-shirt wearing champion. These charismatic cruisers favor wraparound sunglasses, and make their presence known by loud revving of engines and frequent "peel outs" in the parking lot. Energy drinks (preferably in a 64-ounce mug size) and multiple amplifiers are a must to fill this role.

5 The Martial Arts Master. Swiftness, skill, and stealth define this sneaky warrior. You may catch a glimpse of a Chinese star, a pair of nun-chucks, or a butterfly knife comb as you walk past the locker of the class sensei. Beware of standing too close, as at spontaneous times he will break out with kicks, chops, or crouches. Don't pick on the martial arts master, you can tell he's dying to demonstrate his "moves." His notebooks are most likely filled with Asian characters or sketches of hand-to-hand combatants.

4 The Break Dancer. This is the keeper of the timeless art and tradition of break dancing. This double-jointed jammer is jiving and jerking wherever he goes. Whether in the lunchroom, the library, or in his personal performance pedestal of school dances, the beat is alive and well as he moonwalks, waves, and spins through life.

3 The Thespian. This is a role that can be filled by either gender, and well may be filling parts of both genders in the next school production. Emotions run high for these climatic characters who feverishly hone the art of drama to fanatical levels. If other students threaten or offend these fabled fellows, expect a diatribe of exquisite diction unmatched in other areas of school, for they are easily provoked and aroused to anger.

2 Mr. Muscle. Every school has a ripped rebel whose days basically alternate between chugging protein shakes and weight lifting. If allowed, the majority of this brute's classes would be weightlifting, weight training, sports performance, and sports psychology. Coaches work hard at getting this brawny beefcake onto their team, but he makes it very clear that cardio and strength training are his only game in town. If you want to connect with Mr. Muscle, he's always open to supplement suggestions or tutoring.

The Cowboy. Tight wranglers, Justin boots, a Copenhagen ring on his back pocket, and a big truck adorned with bumper stickers with such gems of wisdom like: "Wrangler butts drive me nuts," "Save a horse, ride a cowboy" and political views expressed in various vorms of peeing Calvins. It is likely cowboy boy isn't actively involved in agrarian life or has no bovine association outside of FFA judging contests, but he loves the cowboy look and aspires to be the next Marlboro man. A daily challenge in the parking lot is to avoid crashing into Old Car Troll boy and/or out-blast Troll's car music with Clint Black, Toby Keith, and Garth Brooks. Don't look for the cowboy wannabe from October - December, as he will be involved in pheasant, duck, deer, and any other special draw hunts.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Giveaway 14: Winner

Congratulations to kristine (link to comment), winner of The Book of Mormon Girl: A Memoir of an American FaithRespond via email with your address by Thursday, September 6th to claim the book. Thanks everyone for participating and look for another giveaway in the near future!

Didn't win? Buy the book!

To see more of Joanna Brooks, check out the links below:

• Ask Mormon Girl
• Buy The Book of Mormon Girl: A Memoir of an American Faith